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Friday, 15 November 2013


ANTI-INFLAMMATORY - Systemic inflammation is notably reduced with the constant intake of Sea buckthorn oil. Three months of supplementation has brought forth incredible results.

MENOPAUSE SUPPORT - Omega 7 fatty acids found in this berry work wonders for the mucosal membrane layers found inside the human body. These benefits of sea buckthorn oil extend to genital and digestive system as well. Omega-7 helps retain moisture and can therefore reduce menopause problems to a great level.

EYE CARE - Those who suffer from red and dry eyes must consume Seabuckthorn oil for relief. The anti-inflammatory and moisture retaining ability of this fruit can radically heal such eye problems.

PREVENTING ULCERS AND HEALING GERD - Ulcers and GERD are two very common stomach ailments .A lot of people consume medicines in order to control indigestion and reflux. But on a natural note, benefits of Sea buckthorn oil components can help soothe tissues of the digestive track and heal conditions like GERD and ulcers.

PREVENTING LIVER DAMAGE - The anti-oxidants present in this wonder berry act as a potent agent fighting against any sort of liver damage. The hepatoprotective activity undertaken by the agents in Sea buckthorn oil diminish any possibilities of liver problems.

CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH - The oil from Sea buckthorn potentially reduces cholesterol levels in blood and hence protects against heart ailments. The extract is known to improve cardio vascular functioning and is the perfect potion for a healthy heart.

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT - Consumption of Sea buckthorn oil has positive effects on obese patients and helps systematize metabolic functioning of the body.Omega-7 fats present in the berry inhibit fat deposition within the body.

SKIN HEALTH - The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial property is one of the benefits of Sea buckthorn oil which makes it a favorite for those who love to flaunt that healthy looking skin. It is because of this that a lot of cosmetic companies add this berry to their ingredient list. The anti-oxidants found in Sea buckthorn promote skin elasticity and hydration resulting in a more youthful appearance.

WOUND HEALING - This is one among several benefits of sea buckthorn oil. The regenerative properties of Sea buckthorn promote quick wound healing. The oil can be applied directly on the skin for great results. Even burn wounds can be cured with the topical application of Sea buckthorn oil.

FIGHT DIABETES - The benefits of Sea buckthorn oil extends to those suffering with diabetes. The berry helps keep a check on blood sugar levels and safeguards against type 2 diabetes. As per studies, adding Sea buckthorn to a diabetic’s meal radically controls the upsurge of sugar levels post meal. 

Source of information: http://seabuckthornbenefits.com.au

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